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Copy of 3 Reasons to Hire a Private Investigator

Businesses and individuals face threats and risks to their security from many outside factors on a daily basis. Do you think an employee is falsifying information or stealing from your company? How can you make sure that the new hire that joined the company won’t cost you down the line? Do you, or someone you know, have issues with abusive behavior from a partner or individual?

Having coverage and peace of mind is incredibly important. Hiring a private investigator can help you with covering your vulnerabilities and researching specific threats to you or your business. Private investigators work with a client to uncover information for legal, financial or personal matters. It can be difficult to determine what instances would require a private investigator, so here are three reasons why you should consider hiring a private investigator.

Private Investigators Can Investigate Internal Theft and Fraud

According to a report from The Credit Union Times, 85% of embezzlement cases are caused by employees at a leadership level and 33% of offenders work in finance or accounting. These financial losses to a business can be devastating. Private investigators can interview staff and review financial records and documents to make sure that you are covered and monetary losses are prevented. This can also be helpful in saving face from public scrutiny, allowing you to handle a situation internally and take legal action if needed.

Pre-Employment Screenings Can Be Conducted on New Employees

The Society for Human Resource Management reports that the average cost of onboarding a new employee is over $4,000 on average. How can you make sure you are hiring the right person? Bad hiring decisions can cost your organization dearly if the individual has a problematic employment history. Private investigators can assist in the hiring process by coordinating with your HR team on running credit checks, background checks and looking for instances of criminal behavior for new associates.

Private Investigators Can Get to the Bottom of Domestic Related Instances

Individuals who have experienced domestic related issues such as abuse or stalking should seriously consider hiring a private investigator to help with building a case. The San Diego County District Attorney’s office states that domestic violence can take many forms from physical aggression to stalking or abusive behaviors intended to hurt, humiliate, blame, injure or terrorize someone. Trained investigators with backgrounds in law enforcement or security services can observe, report, record and photograph individuals suspected of abusive behavior to help build a case against them and protect you from further harm or injury.

Hire a Licensed Private Investigator in the South Florida Region From AHS Security Consulting

At AHS Security Consulting, our trained agents have decades of experience in law enforcement, U.S. military special operations and investigation. We work to provide you with the best results for any type of investigation or service you may need.

Our agents attend hours of training on an annual basis, are fully licensed for private investigations and are professional, confidential, experienced and certified in all areas of expertise.

Call or email us today to learn more about our private investigation services and how our team can help you reduce your risks of financial or personal injury or harm.

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